Metrics Evaluation Matrix Template

Gather metrics from three sources (business imperatives, high priority business capabilities, high priority initiatives) and insert them into the Metrics Evaluation...

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phase 2: EA Fundamentals

Understand the EA fundamentals and then refresh them to better align the EA practice with the organization and create business benefit.

EA Vision and Mission Template

The EA Vision and Mission Template provides guidance on crafting EA vision and mission statements based on business and technology drivers that are aligned to your...

EA Goals and Measures Template

Use this template to document the organization's goals and measures to track EA's contribution to creating business benefits.

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phase 5: EA Policy

Create an EA policy to provide a set of guidelines designed to direct and constrain the architecture actions of the organization in the pursuit of its goals in order to...

EA Compliance Waiver Form Template

This template is designed to help you formulate a compliance waiver form to help bypass compliance when needed in governance.

EA Compliance Waiver Process Template

Develop a compliance waiver process for architectural standards and assessments.

EA Assessment Checklist Template

Create assessment checklists for your organization's architecture review process using this template.

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 3: Lead Staff Through the Reorganization

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you transition your employees to their new roles through manager training and transition...

EA Engagement Model Template

Use the EA engagement model to document EA's involvement in your organization's IT operating model.
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