EA Assessment Checklist Template

Create assessment checklists for your organization's architecture review process using this template.

EA Compliance Waiver Process Template

Develop a compliance waiver process for architectural standards and assessments.

Architecture Standards Update Process Template

Create a process to periodically review and update architecture standards so that your organization can adapt to changing ground realities.

EA Governance Communication Plan Template

Use the communication plan template to publicize the benefits of the EA governance initiative to the organization.

EA Governance Framework Template

Use the EA governance framework template to help communicate the value of EA governance.

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Executive Brief

Find out how implementing a successful enterprise architecture framework will help your organization reap benefits and avoid the hazards of a poor framework.

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phases 1-7

EA governance is often perceived as an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy because business benefits are poorly communicated. Use this blueprint to create a value-focused,...

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phase 1: Current State of EA Governance

Identify the organization’s standing in terms of the enterprise architecture practice; know the gaps and what the EA practice needs to fulfill to create a good governance...

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phase 2: EA Fundamentals

Understand the EA fundamentals and then refresh them to better align the EA practice with the organization and create business benefit.

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phase 3: Engagement Model

Analyze the IT operating model and identify EA's current role in each stage in order to refine it to promote effective EA engagement upfront in the early stages of the IT...
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