DAM Roadmap Tool

Plan the sequence, starting time, and length of each initiative in the DAM Roadmap Tool. The tool will generate a Gantt chart roadmap based on the start and length of...

DAM Requirements Gathering Tool

This tool will guide you through the process of gathering requirements from your digital asset manager, as well as the system(s) used to manage your digital assets.

Digital Asset Inventory Tool

Use this tool to centralize the organization’s critical digital assets and help clarify the objectives of the project for identified digital assets.

Data Governance Initiative Planning and Roadmap Tool

Plan the sequence, starting time, and length of each initiative in the Data Governance Initiative Planning and Roadmap Tool. The tool will generate a Gantt chart roadmap...

Data Architecture Assessment and Roadmap Tool

Use this diagnostic assessment to analyze the current and future capabilities of the organization's data architecture practice, enterprise data model, and related...

Track and Measure Benefits Tool

The Track and Measure Benefits Tool is used to monitor and track if the desired benefits have been met. Deviations in benefits are documented so a remedial action plan...

Project Stakeholder and Impact Assessment Tool

Use this tool to identify project stakeholders and the impact that the project will have on them, as well as the reaction you expect to receive from the stakeholders.

Data Audit Scorecard

The Data Audit Scorecard identifies the areas in which the health of your data can be modified for improvement. Use this template to see where you fall short so you can...

Initiative Definition Tool

When creating initiatives, all components of the initiative - from its objective to the benefits and costs - need to be considered. Use this template to map out the goal,...

Data Governance Communication Tracking and Planning Tool

Use this tool to track and plan formal communication events for the organization's data governance program.
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