Strategy & Governance

Exponential IT Executive Communication Template

A template to present the Exponential IT roadmap to stakeholders.

Exponential IT Readiness Diagnostic

The Exponential IT Readiness Diagnostic is designed to assess the readiness of your organization to embrace and extract value from exponential technologies.

Video AI Summary – How AI Augments Video Editing and Generation for Marketing and L&D

Video AI Summary – How AI Augments Video Editing and Generation for Marketing and L&D

IT Organizational Transformation Capstone

Use this capstone deck to understand the opportunities and plan to succeed in strategically designing, aligning, and implementing the right IT organization.

IT Organizational Transformation Workshop and Consulting Catalog

Refer to this catalog of workshops and consulting engagements to understand how Info-Tech Research Group can support you in succeeding at an IT organizational transformation.

Gauge Your Exponential IT Readiness

The Exponential IT Readiness Diagnostic is designed to assess the readiness of your organization to embrace and extract value from exponential technologies.

Thought Leader Interview With QualityX

How AI is used in applications testing

Develop a Fit-for-Purpose IT Financial Taxonomy Storyboard

Use this guide to understand the steps involved in developing a taxonomy to classify and organize your IT financial data so that you have the transparency needed for...

Develop a Fit-for-Purpose IT Financial Taxonomy

IT’s financial struggles are often rooted in problems with the financial data itself. This blueprint lays out the first critical steps in rehabilitating and leveraging...
  • guided implementation icon

IT Financial Data Taxonomy Workbook

Use this Excel workbook to document the outcomes of your IT financial data discovery, taxonomy development, and taxonomy implementation planning activities.
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