The anti-corruption policy will outline the ethical and behavioral expectations of a corporation.
Use this template in conjunction with the CIO Business Vision Communication Deck to present the results of your CIO Business Vision survey to business leaders.
Completing the project charter will help you get the project off the ground.
The Services Definition Chart is where it all comes together. This chart is to be embedded into the final service catalog. It should include only information relevant to...
This storyboard will help you design a definition chart of all IT services offered to your business. The chart will help you build a service catalog tool.
Completing the services definition chart will help your business pick which information you want to include in the catalog. This phase also prepares your catalog to be...
After completing this phase, you should have identified all services IT offers to each LOB or functional group. Each group should receive different services and display...
The Launch the Project phase will walk you through completing Info-Tech's project charter template. This phase will help you build a balanced project team, create a...
The Identify and Define Enterprise Services phase will help you target enterprise services offered by your IT team. They are offered to everyone in the organization and...
This storyboard will help you develop an IT chargeback program that establishes IT cost transparency and accountability for the consumption of IT services.