Cost & Budget Management - Blueprints

Develop Your IT Leadership Team’s Financial Literacy

A series of obstacles have served to drive historically low levels of financial literacy in IT. Use this blueprint and accompanying tools to understand why financial...

Develop a Fit-for-Purpose IT Financial Taxonomy

IT’s financial struggles are often rooted in problems with the financial data itself. This blueprint lays out the first critical steps in rehabilitating and leveraging...
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Manage an IT Budget

IT departments are often viewed as cost centers that always ask for more budget. To deliver value and increase business satisfaction, IT needs a reliable budget...
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Implement an IT Chargeback System

IT needs to recover its costs from those that use IT services with a fair and transparent approach. Develop a chargeback model that explains IT costs in a way that...
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Establish a Service-Based Costing Model

Service-based costing brings clarity to IT expenditures and visibility to IT consumption. However, overcoming the challenges of service-based costing requires a logical...
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