People & Leadership

Job Ad Template

This template is designed to allow complete documentation of the characteristics, responsibilities, and requirements for a given job posting in IT.

Idea Catalog: Adapt the Talent Acquisition Process to a Virtual Environment

Leverage technology to hire the right people, at the right time, during COVID-19 and beyond.

IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

Use this template as a starting point to build your proposed IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap presentation to management, to obtain formal sign-off and initiate the next...

The Pandemic Accelerant: Digital Transformation and Burnout

Many have called the pandemic a great accelerator for digital transformation as organizations around the world had to digitize and digitalize to sustain operations...

Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss Storyboard

Use this tool to define a specific process for managing security incidents and reducing their effects on the organization. Through effective knowledge transfer, minimize...

IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

The IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool is used to identify the risk profile of knowledge sources and the knowledge they have.

IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template

The IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template is used to determine the most effective knowledge transfer tactics to be used for each knowledge source.

Redeployment and Layoff Strategy Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information and decisions while developing the redeployment and layoff strategy project.

Termination Logistics Tool

Use this tool to carry out and communicate terminations smoothly through thoughtful planning and consideration of the termination's impact.

The Complete Manual for Layoffs

When the economy is negatively influenced by factors beyond any organization's control, the impact can be felt almost immediately on the bottom line. This decline in...
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