People & Leadership

Skills Inventory for Redeployment Tool

Use this tool to match employees with needed skills in order to redeploy employees.

Streamline Your Workforce During a Pandemic

COVID-19 is showing the true impacts that our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world can have. The world has been forced to respond, with a pandemic...
  • guided implementation icon

Redeployment Communication Roll-up Template

Use this template to capture and communicate relevant redeployment and layoff information.

Streamline Your Workforce During a Pandemic Storyboard

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered record-breaking market volatility, causing organizations to face very hard decisions. Initiate redeployment efforts and reduce costs...

SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus: Pervasive Testing and Tracking Are the Keys to Success

As North America prepares for the wave of COVID-19 patients to rise, the question is: How big will the wave be? Mass testing coupled with intensive contact tracking and...

Taiwan Leveraging Big Data & Analytics to Identify Potential Cases of COVID-19

Despite its proximity and frequency of travel with China, Taiwan has managed to keep out of the top 50 countries with the most confirmed COVID-19 cases by use of a...

Enable Your COVID-19 Security Response

This guidance serves as a quick checklist of considerations to enable your security responsiveness in an altered work environment.

Performance Management for Emergency Work-From-Home

Performance management during an emergency work-from-home (WFH) protocol may be a challenge for managers that are not used to leading a remote team. Help managers adjust...

Short-Term Survival Segment Evaluation Tool

Use this tool to evaluate employee segments like roles or departments and determine which are most important to the organization's short and/or long-term viability.

3i's of Engaging Management – Manager Guide

Train managers on the 3i's of employee engagement - inform, interact, and involve - to reinforce engaging leadership behaviors.
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