Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment Document Calendar

This is a tool for determining the right level of documentation for your organization, and whether you’re spending too much, or even not enough, on Agile Requirements...

Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment Workbook

Supporting tools and templates in advancing your Agile requirements practice, to be used in conjunction with the Agile Requirements Blueprint, and Playbook.

Take the First Steps to Embrace Open-Source Software

Open source offers unique opportunities to explore and experiment with leading-edge technology or address niche and complex problems with specialized and customizable...

Take the First Steps to Embrace Open-Source Software Storyboard

Use this research to learn the opportunities of open source, considerations when selecting open-source software, and how to prepare your team for the use of open source.

Open-Source Readiness Assessment

Use this tool to evaluate your readiness to embrace open-source software in your environment.

Boost Your Content Production: Hire Freelance Writers

Marketers face immense pressure to create and refresh buyer-engaging content, often with limited staffing. While AI can help, it cannot replace human creativity and...

Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook

Given the increasing complexity of software implementations, you are continually challenged with staying above water with your current team.
  • guided implementation icon

Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook – Phases 1-3

This blueprint provides the steps necessary to build your own enterprise application implementation playbook that can be deployed and leveraged by your implementation teams.

Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook

This is the main playbook that you build through the exercises defined in the ​Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook blueprint.

Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook - Timeline Tool

This tool provides input into the playbook around project timelines and planning.
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