Applications - Storyboard

Succeed With Digital Strategy Execution – Phase 3: Create an Application Roadmap That Supports the Digital Strategy

This phase of the blueprint, Create an Application Roadmap That Supports the Digital Strategy, will walk you through the process of building out the digital strategy...

HRIS Strategy & Roadmap for Local Government

Public sector leaders identify HR–IT alignment as a key enabling capability in government. This case study shows Info-Tech's approach to evaluate the maturity of your...

Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation – Phases 1-2

This blueprint will help you discover robotic process automation (RPA) and evaluate your business processes for potential to automate with RPA.

Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation – Phase 1: Discover Robotic Process Automation

This phase of the blueprint, Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation, will help you discover what RPA is, and why there's so much hype in the...

Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation – Phase 2: Identify Processes Best Suited for Robotic Process Automation

This phase of the blueprint, Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation, will help you analyze existing business processes for automation...

Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you begin your augmented reality journey with a detailed understanding of the technology and its applicable use cases.

Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative – Phase 1: Understand Augmented Reality

This phase of the blueprint, Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative, will help you begin your augmented reality journey with a detailed understanding of the...

Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative – Phase 2: Finding Space for Augmented Reality

This phase of the blueprint, Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative, will help you envision augmented reality's transformative potential for your organization by...

Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative – Phase 3: Communicate Project Decisions to Stakeholders

This phase of the blueprint, Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative, will help you communicate the steps of your initiative to your key stakeholders and understand...

Enable Omnichannel Commerce That Delights Your Customers – Phases 1-2

Having a well-rounded commerce strategy is essential to providing a strong customer experience. Blend traditional and e-commerce channels to allow your customers to...
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