Human Resource Systems - Templates & Policies

LMS Strategy Project Nomination Template

Use this template to document project intentions, objectives, benefits, and costs. Use this completed tool to help obtain project sponsorship.

LMS Strategy Project Charter Template

A project charter defines the project and lays the foundation for all subsequent project planning. It is a critical communication tool for the project purpose, scope, and...

LMS Strategy Learner Survey Guide

Use this template to guide you in creating a learner survey, the results of which will inform your LMS strategy.

LMS Strategy Learner Profile Template

Use this template to consolidate information about the learner that will inform your LMS strategy.

LMS Strategy Process Owner Assignment Guide

Use this template to help you choose the right process owners for developing an LMS Strategy.

LMS Strategy Communication Planning Template

Use this template to build an effective communication plan to help manage the change and implementation for your LMS strategy.

LMS Strategy Stakeholder Presentation Template

Decide what needs to be presented and to whom. The purpose and format for communicating initiatives varies based on the audience. Identify the audience first to ensure...

Dress Code Policy

The dress code policy outlines appropriate and inappropriate work attire.

Establish an HRIS Strategy Project Charter Template

A project charter defines the project and lays the foundation for all subsequent project planning. It is a critical communication tool for the project purpose, scope, and...

HRIS Readiness Assessment Checklist

Info-Tech has designed this Readiness Assessment Checklist to ensure your organization has completed essential tasks prior to moving forward with the HRIS project and...
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