Build an ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Phases 1-4

A well-architected ERP strategy clearly communicates the direction of the ERP portfolio and aligns roadmap initiatives with business priorities. To build your ERP...

Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Phase 1: Harness the Value of ERP

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap, will help you refine your ERP operating model, define the scope of your ERP strategy, outline...

Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Phase 2: Conduct the Intake Process and Evaluate Strategy Options

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap, will help you conduct an ERP operational assessment, identify improvement opportunities, and...

Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Phase 3: Build and Govern the Roadmap

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap, will help you define and scope work initiatives to build your ERP strategy roadmap, as well...

2020 Applications Priorities Report Storyboard

Info-Tech’s 2020 Applications Priorities Report explores five initiatives that IT should prioritize for the year that will position the organization to leap ahead of the...

Get the Most Out of Your ERP – Phases 1-3

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a core tool that the business leverages to accomplish its goals. Use this blueprint to strategically re-align business goals,...

Select an ERP Implementation Partner – Phases 1-3

Unlock the potential of your ERP portfolio by choosing the right implementation partner.

Select an Enterprise Application Software Storyboard

Selecting and implementing an ERP is the most expensive and time-consuming technology transformation an organization can undertake. Effectively plan for, select, and...
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