Product Owners: Tools Are Only Part of the Solution

Tools are important to product teams, but only when they support solid people and processes.

Scrum Destroyed the Product Owner Role

When trying to implement Agile as a defined process, Scrum turned BAs or other roles into order takers with the title “product owner.” This undermines the entire value...

Scaling Agile – Essential for Your Organization

So you’ve gone Agile. You do daily scrums, retrospectives, and all the “right” Agile ceremonies. But still your organization isn’t quite convinced. It is now critical to...

Build Your AI Business Case

AI is one of the hottest topics in IT history. Many want to reap its benefits, but unknowns are rampant, making success difficult to achieve. Help your organization enter...

Build Your AI Business Case Storyboard

AI is one of the hottest topics in IT history. Many want to reap its benefits, but unknowns are rampant, making success difficult to achieve. Help your organization enter...

Sample AI Use Case

Use this AI use case sample to inspire the identification and development of an AI use case in your organization.

Sample AI Prototyping Workbook

Use this AI prototype draft sample as guidance on sketching out an AI-driven solution at a high level.

Sample AI Business Case Analysis

Use this completed sample of an AI business case analysis to better understand how to categorize, document, and evaluate the key components of a strong business case.

Template and Sample AI Business Case Executive Presentation

Use this combined template and sample to pull all the components of your AI business case together into a comprehensive and compelling presentation. Extends Confluence for Design

Build out your collaboration tool chain to include diagram and design capabilities. An image is worth a thousand words in a requirements document.
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