Atlassian Embraces Continually Changing Plans With Portfolio for Jira Server and Data Center 3.0

Atlassian embraces the reality that roadmaps and plans are living, breathing, and continually changing.

BA World Toronto 2019 – Have You Heard of Friendly Enough Expression Language?

FEEL, or the Friendly Enough Expression Language, is a business user-friendly language for modeling decisions in the Decision Model Notation. Trisotech’s recent...

Calling All Product, Requirements, and Design Tool Vendors – Can You Report on the Business Value Your Products Create?

Info-Tech’s research shows that over 80% of CXOs see business value reporting as the most critical area of improvement. Unfortunately, most IT shops focus on operational...

Requirements Management Templates

Examples of simple and complex requirements management templates.

Sparx Systems at BA World – BA Tooling Best Practices

Over 1,000 IT leaders and professions gathered for a diverse slate of technology and professional practice sessions this week at BA World Toronto, May 27-30, 2019. There...

Modernize Your Applications – Phase 1: Set Your Vision

This phase of the blueprint, Modernize Your Applications, will help you set the appropriate expectations for application modernization.

Modernize Your Applications – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why taking a strategic approach is critical for application modernization success.

AWS CDK Breaks New Ground in Infrastructure as Code

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) breaks new ground in infrastructure as code. Info-Tech expects infra-as-code tooling to continue to grow more sophisticated.

Scale Up Your Requirements Management Practices – Phases 1-5

Requirements management is critical for delivering business value from projects, products, and services. Yet it remains an elusive task for most organizations. Follow...

Agile Doesn’t Mean No Requirements

Too many teams are “doing Agile” and mistakenly think that interactions over comprehensive documents means no more requirements. That may be true in a world of “Badgile,”...
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