Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment

When navigating to Agile from waterfall, requirements management can be difficult. If you lack alignment, significant time, money and effort can be wasted.
  • guided implementation icon

Build a Visual Product Roadmap to Increase Agreement and Alignment

If an image is worth a thousand words, a visual roadmap will save you a thousand hours.

Product Owners: Tools Are Only Part of the Solution

Tools are important to product teams, but only when they support solid people and processes.

Product Owners Are Only as Successful as Their Ability to Communicate

No matter how good your product roadmap and backlog are, they are only as good as your audience’s ability to understand your vision and priority.

Product Owner Capacity Planning Gets a Boost From Aha!

Aha! introduces scenario planning to give product owners the ability to create and compare multiple release approaches based on team capacity and backlog priority.

Do you have information on SOA and ESB, including vendors and best practices?

The reality is that although SOA (and related technologies) have been around for a number of years, the adoption rate is still fairly small. The reason for that is that...

Kovair Introduces Release 10.0 of Its Product Suite, Improving Its Breadth of Integrations, Administration, and Data Migration Capabilities

Kovair continues to enhance its product suite with the introduction of version 10.0. The updates cover its Omnibus, ALM Studio, and QuickSync products.

GitHub Free for Teams Helps Level the Playing Field

Almost a decade has passed since Marc Andreessen’s article “Why Software Is Eating The World” passionately defended the rise of software and its potential to disrupt...

Brain-Computer Interfaces – Are You in the Know?

I had the pleasure and privilege of sitting next to an amazing, down to earth, and brilliant teenager recently at an event where she was the closing keynote speaker....

What? Don’t Include Features in Your Product Roadmap?

ProductPlan makes a strong case for excluding features from your product roadmap. Instead, develop your roadmap using strategic themes.
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