Crosscode Heralds a New Breed of DevOps Tooling

Crosscode is an application analysis and dependency-mapping tool. This kind of tool will become increasingly prevalent as an important component of DevOps toolchains.

VMware CEO Shows Why Citizen Developers Are the Inevitable Result of Cloud Growth

Analysts make their bones on prognostication and prediction, and the imminent demise of any given technology is a mainstay of their subject matter. San Francisco-based...

Do you have information on SOA and ESB, including vendors and best practices?

The reality is that although SOA (and related technologies) have been around for a number of years, the adoption rate is still fairly small. The reason for that is that...

Application Maintenance Release Schedule Presentation Template

Use this template to effectively communicate, to business stakeholders, your findings and the steps required to improve SLA alignment and successfully complete the project.
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