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Malwarebytes Winter Release: A Focus on Admin Experience and Visibility

Malwarebytes, the top player on Info-Tech’s Endpoint Protection SoftwareReviews’ Data quadrant, announced its winter release of three key product enhancements.

Simplified Interface and Management

The Malwarebytes Nebula platform simplifies its management console to now encompass the entire portfolio of Malwarebytes products (e.g. Malwarebytes Endpoint Detection and Response [EDR], Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection, and Malwarebytes Incident Response). This feature includes modular protection based on device needs so that the right level of security can be applied.

The Malwarebytes managed services provider (MSP) program introduces the OneView console to make managing MSP security operations easier. The single cloud-based administrative console features dashboard client management and executive reporting, role-based access control, and in-console resolution support.

Enhanced Administrative Control

Malwarebytes adds operational control and environment hardening through two-factor authentication for administrator logins, administrative authentication for agent uninstalls, and administrative control over endpoint software updates to reduce business interruption.

Executive-Ready Dashboard and Report

Users can set up C-suite time-boxed reports, available for download as PDFs, at the click of a button. Summarize top at-risk endpoints and threats in a report so that your leadership team can absorb the most pressing information and measure the effectiveness of the organization’s endpoint security activities.

Source: Endpoint Protection at SoftwareReviews, Report Published March 2020

Our Take

With a focus on admin experience and visibility, Malwarebytes simplifies endpoint security management by collapsing all products into a single console and including a reporting dashboard with the most relevant metrics for executives. While the move to consolidate products into a single agent is standard for endpoint security software nowadays, the value lies in Malwarebytes’ straightforward reporting dashboard. Within the dashboard, little to no interpretation metrics are displayed in sections under endpoint activity status (total number of endpoints, number of active endpoints), endpoint protection summary (percentage of endpoints protected, scanned, and unprotected), and endpoints needing attention (percentage of endpoints isolated and percentage requiring remediation). While the dashboard is insightful, one downfall is that the metrics are fixed. My hope is that Malwarebytes prioritizes this feature in the future to offer a customizable dashboard that yields metrics that align with specific business goals.

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