Stakeholder Planning Tool

Author(s): Barry Cousins, Michel Hebert

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IT-driven telephony and unified communications (UC) implementations have a high risk of failure and a poor rate of end-user adoption. The mistake is to assume that IT can tell the business what telephony and UC features it needs. Reduce the risk of failure and improve uptake by using what IT knows to help others envision UC features and communication-enabled business opportunities that best meet the needs of the business.

Why is a stakeholder analysis essential?

  • Ignoring key stakeholders is an important cause of failed UC implementations.
  • You can use the opinions of the most influential stakeholders to shape the implementation at an early stage. Their support will secure resources for the project and improve the quality of the implementation.
  • Communicating with key stakeholders early and often will ensure they fully understand the benefits of your project.
  • You can anticipate the reaction of key stakeholders to your project and plan steps to win their support.

Use this tool to create a prioritized list of people who are affected or can affect your project, and determine how best to communicate with them during the project.

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