IT Security 101

IT security is often overlooked and misunderstood by enterprises. Many feel that they have nothing worth stealing and any money spent on security is a wasted investment....

Network Printers Represent Serious Security Vulnerability

Most large printers, since 2002, contain physical hard drives used to queue up items to be printed, scanned, copied, faxed and e-mailed by the machine. Ensure that your...

Endpoint Encryption Evaluation & RFP Response Tool

This tool is pre-built with the essential criteria that should be considered when evaluating RFP responses. Use this tool to put hard numbers behind vendor claims, and...

North American Electronic Waste Laws

A number of legislative issues can pose a liability to organizations that fail to properly dispose of obsolete computers and other electronic equipment. Use this document...

Endpoint Encryption Solution RFP Template

Issuing RFPs is a critical step in your vendor selection process. This RFP template comes populated with important elements you don't want to forget. A detailed RFP saves...

Select an E-mail Archiving Solution with Confidence

The e-mail archiving market is a confusing mixture of storage vendors, compliance and e-discovery vendors, security vendors, and e-mail platform vendors. To complicate...

Employee Termination Process Checklist – IT Security Example

Use flowcharts and checklists to create effective SOP documents.

PDA Usage Policy

The PDA usage policy outlines standards for connecting to company network(s) or related technology resources via any means involving mobile devices that are categorized...

E-Discovery: What It Is and How It Affects IT

Electronic evidence is now a major deciding factor in court cases. Understand the mechanics of e-discovery prior to the acquisition or implementation of records...

IT Leaders: Learn the Laws Covering E-Mail Retention

Confused about which e-mails to retain, and for how long? IT leaders must demand clear guidance from the enterprise. IT can influence retention policy formation by...
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