Research Notes

Job Posting Template

Space is often limited and expensive, so a clear and concise job posting that attracts the right applicants the first time around is critical for keeping costs...

Trends and Tips for Effective Job Postings

Many competent professionals have been laid off during the current IT industry shakedown, then hired elsewhere, only to be laid off again, eventually winding up in an...

Is a LAMP Web Development Platform the Right Choice?

An open source solution (OSS) such as LAMP can offer capital cost savings. However, choose LAMP only if the development team has the right skill set and experience to...

Special Letter: Empowered Consumers: The New Dawn of Healthcare

Publisher's Note: I first met Gopal Chopra by telephone, and soon after, at our annual New York Predictions Dinner. Gopal is a perfect Overachiever, appearing to cram...

Keys to a Successful Data Migration

To be successful, a data migration plan must account for data interdependencies and follow an iterative process that includes analyzing a data subset, developing...

Getting Prepped for Open Source Apps

Using the open-source model for the enterprise application needs of the organization requires careful preparation in terms of process, people, and technology. Follow...

The New Regime: Apple, Google, and Amazon

In technology, the ancient regime was driven by Wintel (Windows and Intel), mostly: a famously paranoid Andy Grove, paired with Bill Gates, the most competitive...

Videoconferencing: Target Travel Cost Reductions

Geographically distributed enterprises are realizing tangible travel savings and productivity benefits following the implementation of videoconferencing systems. Learn...

Digital Media Business Models

There are a lot of headlines out there this week that sound like this: "Will the iPad save print media?" I have many friends in the media world, and the last few years...

Defining Cyberwar

What if they gave a war, and nobody came? It's an old joke. But what if the next war were so different from the last that it was over before the victims even knew a war...
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