Infrastructure & Operations - Storyboard

Build Your Infrastructure Roadmap – Lightning Phase: Fast-Track Your Infrastructure Roadmap for Early Value

This phase of the blueprint Build the Business by Building an Infrastructure Roadmap will help you build a roadmap in an hour.

Build Your Infrastructure Roadmap – Phase 4: Improve the Process

This phase of the blueprint Build the Business by Building an Infrastructure Roadmap will help you iterate on the process for continual improvement, to deliver every more...

10 Secrets for Successful Disaster Recovery in the Cloud – Storyboard

This storyboard provides you with the 10 secrets for success in cloud-based DR deployment.

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you improve your approach to collaboration services.

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy – Phase 1: Create a Shared Vision on the Future of Communication and Collaboration

This phase of the blueprint, Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy, will help you to understand common pain points and to develop an approach to...

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy – Phase 2: Map a Path Forward

This phase of the blueprint, Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy, will help you create a path forward.

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy – Phase 3: Proselytize the Change

This phase of the blueprint, Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy, will help you create an engagement plan for IT and end users.

Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures – Phase 1: Identify Policy and Procedure Gaps

This phase of the blueprint Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedure will help you identify documentation gaps.

Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures – Phase 2: Develop Policies

This phase of the blueprint Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures will help you create policies using Info-Tech templates.

Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures – Phase 3: Document Effective Procedures

This phase of the blueprint Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures will help you document effective procedures to support policies.
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