Simplify Remote Deployment With Zero-Touch Provisioning

Adopt zero-touch provisioning to provide better services to your end users. Design the zero-touch experience, update your IT asset management practices, and manage your...
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Run Better Meetings

The pandemic introduced many to the importance of running meetings well, whether they are held in person, remotely, or in a hybrid delivery model. You have an opportunity...
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Infrastructure & Operations Priorities 2022

We have spent the last three months gathering signals from key vendors, standards bodies, industry organizations, notable tech influencers, reputable media, Info-Tech...

Modernize and Transform Your End-User Computing Strategy

A good device is necessary for improving IT satisfaction, but it’s not enough. User support and modernizing applications are the other pivotal factors. With the COVID-19...
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Considerations for a Move to Virtual Desktops

VDI and DaaS users expect their user experience to be at least equal to that provided by a physical PC, and they do not care about the underlying infrastructure. If the...

Build a Data Classification MVP for M365

Information protection and governance is NOT something you do once and then you are complete. It is a constant process where you start with the basics (MVP) and enhance...

Drive Ongoing Adoption With an M365 Center of Excellence

User adoption and setting up guardrails in governance are the focuses of the CoE in its early stages. Purge obsolete data from legacy share servers, and rationalize...

Create and Implement an IoT Strategy

The large volume of IoT devices and lack of insight into vendor solutions make it hard for IT and the business to manage the lifecycle and guarantee security protocols...
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Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11

Windows 11 is a step forward in endpoint security and functionality. Windows 10 is living on borrowed time, with a defined end of support date of Oct. 14, 2025....

Exploit Disruptive Infrastructure Technology

As a CIO, there is a need to move beyond day-to-day technology management with an ever-increasing need to forecast technology impacts. Not just from a technical...
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