Requirements Gathering Playbook

Adapt this guide to document your requirements gathering process guidelines.

Project Stakeholder and Impact Assessment Tool

Use this tool to identify project stakeholders and the impact that the project will have on them, as well as the reaction you expect to receive from the stakeholders.

Benefits Management Plan Template

Use this template to document project benefits and create a plan for realizing those benefits. This workbook should be used to categorize benefits and record relevant...

Light Recommendation and Decision Tracking Log Template

This template is used to track scope change decisions and their impacts.

Detailed Recommendation and Decision Tracking Log Template

This template is used to track scope change decisions and their impacts.

Track and Measure Benefits Tool

The Track and Measure Benefits Tool is used to monitor and track if the desired benefits have been met. Deviations in benefits are documented so a remedial action plan...

Project Prioritization Resource Alignment Master

This tool has been designed to help you determine where resource gaps lie for your prioritized projects. Identifying required staff and budget constraints will help you...

Project Re-Prioritization Master Tool

Due to an identified event, the prioritization list you have determined to date no longer reflects current realities. Use this tool to help you re-adjust, and...

Risk Management Workbook

This workbook is used to create the project's risk management plan to mitigate or eliminate potential risks, and track each risk item during project execution.

Quality Management Workbook

This workbook is used to facilitate sound quality management that monitors the status of deliverable quality throughout project execution.
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