SLA Manager

The role of the SLA Manager is to ensure that all service level agreements (SLAs) for information technology services across the organization are delivered according to...

Fast Track Tool: Select and Evaluate Vendors

Enterprises are dependent on vendors to obtain IT hardware, software and services. The Vendor Management process includes the identification, selection, contracting with,...

Fast Track Tool: Manage Vendor Performance

Achieving a high level of service or product delivery from vendors generally requires three components: establishing a set of performance targets with the vendor,...

Top 10 Strategies for Reducing Costs

Cutting costs can be an overwhelming and painful task, but knowing where to focus your efforts can make it easier. Take a look at our top ten favorite strategies. It...

Negotiation Tips How to Save $ With Vendors

Knowledge is power. Go into your vendor negotiations with these tips and tools in your back pocket.

Negotiate Favorable Telecom and Mobility Contracts

Avoid contract pitfalls and get a fair price on your telecom and mobility contracts.

Proposal Evaluation Tool

This tool scores vendor proposals against weighted criteria and provides a vendor recommendation.

Proposal Receipt Template

Use this tool to track received proposals for each RFP issued.

Vendor List Evaluation Tool

This tool can be used in any purchase scenario, but is particularly effective in shortlisting candidates to a manageable size (three to five candidates) before issuing a...

Guide to Interpreting Standard Contracts

This tool is an information guide to help relative newcomers to contract law navigate the terms and concepts commonly used in IT vendor and service provider contracts.
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