Create an Architecture for AI – Phase 2: Design Your Target State

Build a target state architecture for AI.

Create an Architecture for AI – Phase 3: Define the AI Architecture Roadmap

This phase of the blueprint will help you define a roadmap to implement the architecture to support your AI initiatives.

Data Platform Design Assessment

Use this template to capture the results of the data platform design assessment.

Select Your Data Platform Storyboard

Data platform selection should be based on common best practices and, at the same time, be optimized for the organization’s specific needs and goals and support an...

Select Your Data Platform – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out what challenges are typically in the way of designing a data platform, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand how we...

Select Your Data Platform

Data platform selection should be based on common best practices and, at the same time, be optimized for the organization’s specific needs and goals and support an...
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Get Started With Artificial Intelligence

Use this blueprint to understand what AI really means in practice and to get started with your AI explorations to harness its transformative power.
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Create an Architecture for AI

For AI to be able to answer questions or discover new relationships, it needs an underlining architecture that not only describes the data AI will operate on but also...
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Understand the Data and Analytics Landscape

The key to landscaping your data environment lies in ensuring foundational disciplines are optimized with a recognition for the interdependency among the various disciplines.

Understand the Data and Analytics Landscape Storyboard

This deck will provide a base understanding of the core disciplines that make up an organization’s data and analytics landscape. The various disciplines explained in this...
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