Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation Storyboard – Phases 1-4

Start facilitating innovation to advance the reputation of IT and gain reputation as a true strategic partner.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 1: Launch Innovation

Launch innovation by sponsoring a clear mandate and building the team that will help you meet it.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 2: Ideate

Use proven ideation techniques to identify opportunities for IT-led innovation and brainstorm effective solutions.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 3: Prototype

Create rapid prototypes that allow users to experience an idea before it is built. Prototyping will give you the feedback you need to refine the solution and prepare to...

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 4: Mature Innovation Capability

Once you have demonstrated IT's ability to innovate, invest in formalizing the IT-led innovation process and implement a program to increase staff engagement with innovation.

Establish a Foresight Capability – Phases 1-4

By applying strategic foresight, CIOs can help their organizations become more proactive about technological innovation, and in doing so, become more competitive.

Bending the Exponential IT Curve: Exciting Advancements in IT Process Improvement Keynote Presentation

Learn how you can leverage Info-Tech’s actionable Exponential IT framework to help IT embrace exponential technologies and embark on the Exponential IT journey.a

CIO Trend Report 2017 – XaaP (Everything as a Platform)

The XaaP trend is primarily driven by the convergence between the concept of open data and the proliferation of the Application Programming Interface (API).

CIO Trend Report 2017 – Immersive UX

Immersive User Experience (UX) is a trend that is driven by developments in augmented and virtual reality, and wearable devices.

CIO Trend Report 2017 – Automated Cognition

Automated Cognition is the driven by advances in AI (artificial intelligence), advanced computing resulting in enhanced algorithms, and machine learning.
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