The Future of Work – Executive Brief

Author(s): Kenneth McGee, Ayush Songara

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Read this executive brief to learn how the nature of work has changed historically to reach its current stage, how it will change in the future to impact most of the world's working population, and what that means for IT.

The executive brief contains the following sections:

  • The long history of technology versus jobs
  • The scope of report and our approach
  • A brief history of how and why work has changed
  • Findings on the issues that brought us to the current status of work
  • How this happened
  • The future of work
  • Which jobs are next
  • Guiding principles for all future-of-work initiatives
  • What’s at stake
  • Productivity during working from home

Read our recommendations outlining the most effective roles the CIO can pursue during the next approaching era of automating work.

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