Telephone and Voicemail Acceptable Use Policy

Author(s): Sean Burkett

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Telecommunication services are among the highest cost centers in most companies, often coming second only to the cost of labor. This is because telephones and voicemail are so pervasive that they are frequently and easily abused. Target your telephony services for cost reduction by implementing and enforcing a telephone and voicemail use policy. This policy template will help reduce telephone-related costs and increase productivity.

A telephone and voicemail policy outlines basic terms and conditions, descriptions of acceptable use and limited personal acceptable use, and the right of the organization to monitor usage. Given the increasingly digital (and recordable) nature of today’s telephony systems, as well as regulatory mandates to save all business records (including telephone calls and voicemail messages), having a clear Telephony and Voicemail Acceptable Use Policy is essential.

Risks addressed by this policy:

  • Going over budget in communications due to inappropriate personal employee phone calls
  • Offensive and inappropriate employee behavior and telephone/voicemail messages
  • Reduced availability of phone lines due to excessive personal usage
  • Legal and confidentiality/privacy obligations via monitoring phone transmissions

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