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Exploit Disruptive Infrastructure Technology to Drive IT Efficiency and Business Opportunity

Technology advancement can be painful, jeopardizing your role as CIO. Develop a simple process to identify, prioritize, and exploit valuable disruptive technology in your organization.

Develop a process that will identify, prioritize, and exploit the most valuable disruptive technologies to the business.

Your Challenge

  • There is difficulty in separating vendor, employee, or media hype from the real value opportunities.
    • Employees are pushing for technologies they hear about or think would be cool.
  • There is a lack of time to stay ahead of new technological advancements.
  • There is limited budget to evaluate and experiment with new technology.
    • CIOs tend to turn these projects down and the business case is scarcely well made
  • Defending IT’s business value can be difficult, but very important to the CTO/Infrastructure manager.
    • Disruptive technology helps to deliver value to the business (and justify IT’s value).
    • Need to look at it from the business need (is there a business value?). 

Our Solution

  • Understand when disruptive technologies are incoming, so IT can analyze them and determine how to best exploit them for IT efficiency and business benefit (demonstrate strategic thought leadership).
  • Understand the top technologies that are affecting most organizations today and determine which are the best for your organization (demonstrate knowledge of technology market).
  • Institutionalize the exploitation of disruptive technology with a simple, annual process that solidifies the CIO as the leader of technological innovation.
    • Establish a repeatable and defensible process.

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Michael Battista

Michael Rosehart

Search Code: 77652
Last Revised: May 27, 2015

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