Process Pilot Plan Template

Author(s): Barry Cousins, Travis Duncan, David Lee, Michael Gyssels

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Investing time and energy into a pilot phase can help to lower implementation risk, enhance the details and steps within a process, and improve stakeholder relations prior to a full scale rollout. A pilot should be approached strategically, and planned out to limit the scope of it and achieve specific outcomes.

Use this template to create a planning document and ensure your pilot:

  • Is grounded in a common set of definitions.
  • Delivers value and insight.
  • Serves as a starting point for a full-scale process implementation.

Use this template as part of the full blueprint, Balance Supply and Demand with Realistic Resource Management Practices.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Establish Realistic IT Resource Management Practices

Holistically balance IT supply and demand to avoid overallocation.

Unify a Mixed Methodology Portfolio

Improve portfolio oversight and agility without going old school command and control.

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