Microsoft Project & M365 Action Plan Template

Author(s): Travis Duncan, Teodora Siman, Barry Cousins

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Use this template in conjunction with Info-Tech’s Determine the Future of MS Project for Your Organization blueprint. It is comprised of four sections, one of which you will not use and can delete depending on your implementation approach.

Section 1: Executive Brief. This section details your overall recommendations and goals.

Section 2: Context and Constraints. This section provides a current state overview and insight into how you came to your recommendations. It cane be populated following the activities in Phase 1 of Info-Tech’s Determine the Future of MS Project for Your Organization.

Section 3: DIY Implementation Approach. This section describes specific next steps pending buy-in to your business case and strategy. If you are going with a MS Gold Partner, delete this section and the slides within it.

Section 4: MS Partner Implementation Approach. This section describes specific next steps pending buy-in to your business case and strategy. If you are going with DIY approach, delete this section and the slides within it.

Section 5: Future State Vision and Goals. This section contains a concluding slide that reiterates goals and targets. There is a Q&A slide as well that can be deleted if you’re are not presenting in person.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Determine the Future of Microsoft Project in Your Organization

View your task management, project management, and project portfolio management options through the lens of M365.

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