Storyboard: Develop a Cloud Testing Strategy for Today's Apps

Author(s): Timothy Hickernell, Andrew Kum-Seun, Altaz Valani


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Today’s complex web and cloud applications are forcing organizations to re-examine parts of the traditional software testing approach: enter cloud testing. Fortunately, much of the testing development process remains the same, but the enhanced capabilities of certain traditional testing practices (e.g., load and stress tests) from cloud testing has enabled limitless scalable testing labs and rapid test execution. This storyboard will elaborate on how to entice business leader engagement and formulize a standardized cloud testing strategy, by helping you:

  • Build a compelling business case to obtain organizational buy-ins.
  • Assess and document your people, process, and technology capabilities in your current testing and development process.
  • Select the cloud testing vendor that best fits your testing and development needs.
  • Develop a well defined rollout process of cloud testing initiatives throughout the organization.
  • Determine the performance of cloud vendors by monitoring key performance metrics.

This research will help you craft a comprehensive strategy to maintain business buy-in and improve cloud testing success.

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