Customer Relationship Management Suite Opportunity Assessment Tool for Large Enterprises

Author(s): Timothy Hickernell, Ben Dickie, Victoria Moore, Jonathan Wang, Robert D'Aurelio, Anastasia Shteyn

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A standalone CRM suite can help organizations meet their customer management goals. Still, a CRM suite may not be enough for some companies which exhibit heavy domain specific needs. These needs may be served by a specific point solution for marketing, sales, and customer service. Before beginning the selection process, your organization should assess whether or not there is enough value in the project to warrant its investment of time and resources.

You will be asked to provide specific evaluation criteria, such as

  • The involvement of various departments in the selling process.
  • The communication strategies used in marketing.
  • The role of customer service participation.

Leverage this tool to determine if pursuing a CRM suite is worthwhile for your organization, and where you should augment with point solutions, based on your firm’s product and customer complexity.

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