IT Chargeback Program Development & Management Tool

Author(s): Jason Petrovic, Ryan Smith

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Use this tool to create an IT chargeback model that provides a complete and logical structure for thinking through every decision of chargeback program development. The tool includes the following activities:

  • Identify and document customers.
  • Document user-facing service definitions and customers.
  • Document service-based costing for IT services.
  • Determine optimal chargeable service units and pricing.
  • Track consumption of services.
  • Determine IT service charges for business units.
  • Generate cost reports.
Formalize your chargeback model by taking a business value approach that focuses on pricing IT services using chargeable service units that business owners find meaningful, manageable, and measurable.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Implement an IT Chargeback System

Explain IT costs in ways that matter to the business.

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