IT Busininess: Autonomy and HP's 10.3 billion reasons to like big data

(21-Feb-2012) Former CEO Léo Apotheker may have left Hewlett-Packard Co. . (NYSE: HPQ), but his US$10.3 billion acquisition of Autonomy remains, and last week at HP's global partner conference, Autonomy founder CEO Mike Lynch gave partners their first taste of what Apotheker was so keen on.

Lynch, who remains with HP as executive vice-president of information management, said the key IT trends in 2012 will be around social media, big data, cloud computing, governance and mobility. What Autonomy seeks to do is help users derive value from both structured and unstructured data wherever it exists in the enterprise to make better business decisions. It's not just about big data, said Lynch. It's about analyzing that data in new ways as the traditional database and old methods of data categorization become extinct.

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