Application Integration Strategy Template

Author(s): Timothy Hickernell, Stewart Bond, Robert D'Aurelio, Andrew Kum-Seun

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This template is an essential document for pulling together all of the work, planning, and investments completed through identifying your current environment, developing the future vision, performing a gap analysis, and building your roadmap. An AI blueprint is an overview of the primary elements and their relationships to each other; including applications, middleware, data, users, and external systems. Without an AI blueprint, the time and money your organization invests into your formal application integration strategy could be compromised due to disorganization and a lack of focus. As your environment evolves, update this blueprint to match the current environment and future needs.

This report is subdivided into the following sections:

  1. Executive Overview – provides a high level summary of the content in the blueprint.
  2. Introduction – describes the scope of the blueprint.
  3. Current Environment – summarizes the primary elements in the current AI environment.
  4. Future Vision – summarizes the primary elements of the proposed AI environment.
  5. Implementation Plans – documents the gaps, issues, opportunities, recommendations and a roadmap for implementing the proposed AI environment.

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