Information Classification Scheme Policy

Author(s): Ryan Smith, Kolade Odetoyinbo, Brian King

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The information classification scheme provides a framework for applying standards of care to information assets, based on their value and/or risk to the organization. Once you’ve established your classification levels, use this policy template to document the following:

  • Key terms pertaining to your classification scheme.
  • The scope of the classification scheme (i.e. which information domains fall under the purview of the ILM program).
  • The roles and responsibilities that are involved in the implementation of the information classification scheme.
  • The levels in your classification scheme and the standards of care that will be applied to information assets.
  • How the policy will be enacted and compliance guidelines.

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Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program

Assure the quality of your information assets from cradle to grave (and every stage in between) with an effective information classification scheme, policies, and governance.

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