Estimate Software Delivery With Confidence – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Andrew Kum-Seun


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Software estimation is often viewed as making educated guesses to make budgetary and resourcing decisions. However, it is more than that. Estimates are used to make critical business and product decisions that can have a significant impact to business reputation and IT credibility. This blueprint will help you develop the right tactics to set the appropriate expectations with confident estimates by following our three-phase methodology:

  • Justify Estimation Optimization
  • Commit to Achievable Delivery
  • Mature Your Estimation Practice

Create an estimation quick reference sheet that highlights the key decisions stakeholders will make with estimates and the tactics to generate the insights that will inform these decisions.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Estimate Software Delivery With Confidence

Commit to achievable software releases by grounding realistic expectations.

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