Enterprise Service Bus Work Breakdown Structure

Author(s): Stewart Bond, Kylie Grace, Josh Mendelssohn

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Use the Enterprise Service Bus Work Breakdown Structure (ESB WBS) as a reference for creating and managing your ESB implementation. The ESB WBS provides a comprehensive breakdown of tasks that must be completed during an ESB implementation. The ESB WBS provides tasks that are relevant to:

  • Project Management.
  • Requirements gathering.
  • Solution Architecture.
  • Procurement.
  • Refine Solution Architecture.
  • Detailed Design and Build.
  • Pilot Completed Patterns.
  • Roll-out into Full Production.

While the ESB WBS is intended to be a comprehensive list of tasks for an ESB implementation in general, it may not include tasks that are specific to your organization. Make sure you add and delete tasks as necessary to customize the ESB WBS to your organization.

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