Embed Privacy and Security Culture Within Your Organization – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Cassandra Cooper, Alan Tang, Aaron Shum, Logan Rohde

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This research will give you the tools and methodology to ensure privacy and security are embedded from both the top down and bottom up by working through the following phases:

  • Develop a defined structure for privacy and security in the context of your organization, your obligations, and your objectives.
  • Align your business goals and strategy with privacy and security to obtain support from your senior leadership team.
  • Identify and implement a set of KPIs and metrics to monitor the success of each of the six engagement enablers among your team.

Once you've completed this project, you will be positioned to champion your organization's privacy and security culture.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Embed Privacy and Security Culture Within Your Organization

Drive employee engagement with privacy and security via governance and process integration.

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