Develop APIs That Work Properly for the Organization – Phase 4: Monitor and Continuously Optimize the Web API

Author(s): Kevin Kim, Altaz Valani

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There are real above-the-line and below-the-line benefits that web APIs can unlock. They can make it easier for partners to build innovative applications on a variety of platforms, and increase web traffic and usage of corporate web services that can improve workforce productivity and open up new revenue channels. Development teams must ensure these APIs are aligned to business needs and ensure they do not pose a risk to existing corporate assets.

This phase will help you:

  • Identify roles for your API development projects.
  • Develop governance for web API development.
  • Measure the value of your web API project.

Adopting an API-enabled application ecosystem enables your organization for improving internal processes. Utilizing APIs to abstract access to backend services within your organization creates a fast-moving, flexible infrastructure for your developers to work with.

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