Develop a Master Data Management Strategy and Roadmap – Phase 2: Create a Plan and Roadmap for the Organization’s MDM Program

Author(s): Rachel D'Hollander, Steven Wilson, Brian King

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This phase of the blueprint, Create a Plan and Roadmap for the Organization’s MDM Program, will help you conduct a current capabilities assessment and create initiatives to get you on the road to MDM. This phase will take you through the following activities:

  • Assess the current state of the organization's capabilities surrounding MDM, framed by Info-Tech's Information Management Framework.
  • Solicit requirements from organizational stakeholders.
  • Identify the "to-be" environment vision of the MDM strategy.
  • Take inventory of relevant IT systems.
  • Determine gaps between the current state and the to-be environment.
  • Analyze gaps and identify practical initiatives.
  • Organize the initiatives into a roadmap that will assist you in communicating and implementing a MDM strategy.

Use this phase as part of the full blueprint, Develop a Master Data Management Strategy and Roadmap.

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