COBIT APO05 (Manage Portfolio) Alignment Workbook

Author(s): Barry Cousins, Trevor Bieber

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Use this tool to assess to what degree you have the information and processes in place that are needed to maintain an organized portfolio. This tool uses the COBIT 5 portfolio management framework (APO05) as the basis for this assessment.

The tool will help you assess to what degree you currently have portfolio management processes that support each of the following areas outlined in COBIT APO05:

  • Establish the target investment mix (APO05.01)
  • Determine the availability and sources of funds (APO05.02)
  • Evaluate and select projects or programs to fund (APO05.03)
  • Monitor, optimize, and report on investment portfolio performance (APO05.04)
  • Maintain the portfolio (APO05.05)
  • Manage benefits achievement (APO05.06)

It also helps identify to what extent your organization has the kind of broader IT framework needed to support effective portfolio management. While these areas of IT management and governance go beyond the scope of portfolio management, the outputs of these broader areas are needed to give portfolio managers the criteria and information they need to maintain an organized portfolio.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Maintain an Organized Portfolio

Align portfolio management practices with COBIT (APO05: Manage Portfolio).

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