Build Foundational Structures With Information Architecture Storyboard

Author(s): Ibrahim Abdel-Kader, Andrea Malick

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This deck contains guidance on how to establish and optimize the following:

  • Naming conventions = A generally agreed-upon scheme for naming things.
  • Metadata = Data about data.
  • Controlled vocabulary = An organized arrangement of words and phrases used to index content and/or to retrieve content through browsing or searching.
  • Data catalog = An organized inventory of data assets in the organization. It uses metadata to help organizations manage their data. It also helps data professionals collect, organize, access, and enrich metadata to support data discovery and governance.
  • Taxonomies = Structural and hierarchical representations of the same type of element (e.g. documents, services, projects).
  • Independent taxonomies = A structural and dynamic representation of the relationship between elements in any given set of taxonomies.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build Foundational Structures With Information Architecture

Structure the labels and taxonomies that will deliver long-lasting value to the organization.

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