Balance Supply and Demand with Realistic Resource Management Practices – Phase 2: Design a Realistic Resource Management Process

Author(s): Barry Cousins, Travis Duncan, David Lee, Michael Gyssels

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Info-Tech's approach to a realistic resource management practice is rooted in our seven dimensions of resource management. This phase will help you make the right decisions for your organization across each of these dimensions to ensure your resource management practice matches your organization's needs by taking you through the following activities:

  • Wireframe your resource management strategy by discussing and selecting each of the seven dimensions.
  • Assess your need for a tool to help facilitate the flow of information and make the right choice to help support your resource management strategy.
  • Learn how to use Info-Tech's tool, Portfolio Manager Lite, and set it up to get your resource management off the ground without having to make a large upfront capital investment for tools.
  • Draft a high-level resource management workflow.
  • Build on the workflow to determine how data will be collected at each step, and who will support the process.
  • Document your provisional resource management process.

Use this phase as part of the full blueprint, Balance Supply and Demand with Realistic Resource Management Practices.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Establish Realistic IT Resource Management Practices

Holistically balance IT supply and demand to avoid overallocation.

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