IT Management &
Governance Diagnostic:
Assess the importance and effectiveness of your core IT processes.
Sample ReportComplete the Diagnostic program to get the data you need to start your process improvement journey. You will get a customized report highlighting your organization’s most pressing IT process needs.
Sample ReportOptimizing your IT processes starts here:
Map Your Process Landscape
Determine which processes you and your team believe need more attention so that you can effectively allocate your time and resources.
Explore Each IT Process
Dive deeper into each process’ performance. Highlight contentious areas and understand how aligned your team is for each process.
Build Team Alignment
Use the results to facilitate an alignment exercise with your team. Build consensus by getting opposing views on the table.
Ownership & Accountability
Assign process ownership and hold team members accountable for process improvement initiatives to ensure successful implementation and to realize the benefits from more effective processes.
Measured Value
IT Management & Governance Diagnostic
Average Days Saved 48
Average Dollars Saved $25.0k
$ Saved
Days Saved
Lifecare International
Best: Have transparency about my team. Worst: Wish I had done this 2 years back :)
Esterline Technologies Corporation
Just Born Inc.
The diagnostic report has a wealth of good information and is presented in a clean, visually appealing manner.
Tedeschi Food Shops Inc.
The conversation I had with Info-Tech on this topic was related to the IT Management & Governance diagnostic. I believe the process is a good and necessary one, and the Info-Tech reps I've spoken with on the topic have been quite helpful and knowledgeable. However, I have no way of knowing how many days it saved me in my process at this point or the dollar impact of the experience - at least not at this point.
Innovation Credit Union Limited
Invaluable but hard to put a day or dollar value as the payback is a long journey. This exercise has taken that journey from insurmountable to defined and focused. Used effectively, this insight will guide a major transformation that will impact the entire organization.
Stone Belt Arc
Best - Survey results allow me to clearly see where we are out of sync. Worst - My staff had different perceptions of how to complete the survey which may have skewed results.
GreatAmerica Financial Services
Braun Intertec Corporation
Pruitt Health
Daman Investments
Red Rocks Community College
This is amazing. I am very happy that I signed up. Until I move off some of the things we have been talking about it will be a lot of work, but it is very much worth it.
World Trade Organization
I would have liked to know that one of my guys did not answer before final results. :( Very readable and insightful report. :)
Bucks County Community College
Review of the results was very helpful.
Karcher North America
Completely guided pre-built process with best-practice standards. I don't have a worst aspect. Great experience!
Good service.
Nebraska Methodist College
Best - Eye opening and helps team spot discrepancies in thought and understanding.
Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana
Town of Georgina
We are a small team of five people. The results reflected all of the roles that we currently have in the group. It was good to see the interaction and relationships of the roles using one lens.
Renfrew Family & Children’s Services
Oh my goodness! As an IT manager, I wish I could implement all the material you have on your website. Your website is my most favorite site for IT-related information. I am excited to start on our review of the IT Management & Governance Diagnostic material and the alignment exercises. Having a step-by-step approach to topics that can pretty much run wild at time if you let it can be overwhelming. With Info-Tech's guidance, this does not happen and the consistent look and feel to finalized documents helps us to standardize and present our material in an organized and professional manner. I am very thankful to have Info-Tech as part of my team. Thank you.
Canadian Grain Commission
Very difficult to attempt to quantify the above items for time and dollars. Having not had the same Mgmt. team in the past, and without a tracked standard for the process generally, the above are simply wild guesses. I hope it still provides you some value from this context.
Provincial Aerospace Ltd
Lee County Clerk of Court
Valuable experience and insight gained. Awesome service!
The Institute of Professional Practice Inc.
Best: How much value Info-Tech can drive for its clients.
First National Bank
+ Visual representation + Ease of use + Support team from Info-Tech – specifically Alan Neal - Diagnostic needs to mature in some areas especially ITRG Groups; they are quite weak - Diagnostic needs to be configurable to meet all my business needs - Addition
Five Points Bank
Useful and engaging information.
Altra Federal Credit Union
Vandegrift Forwarding Company Inc.
The personal walkthrough was incredibly helpful.
Quorum Review Inc.
Great friendly consultants who are knowledgeable about how the tools and materials might have a positive impact on the organization.
Coker College
Overall, customer service has been wonderful. Each team member has taken the time to listen and provide amazing insight and feedback regarding ways to move our institution forward.
Lifecare International
Best: Have transparency about my team. Worst: Wish I had done this 2 years back :)
Just Born Inc.
The diagnostic report has a wealth of good information and is presented in a clean, visually appealing manner.
Hard to quantify dollar impact/etc. of this survey as I'm using this as another "data point" within my organization.
American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company
This provided us with a foundation and benchmark comparison with broader considerations of our process and influencer touch points. The worst aspect is it is very quick results from query to deliverable and the diagnostic is faster than the overall process. (That is also a good thing). It just forces us to expedite our internal processes and focus.
County of San Mateo
Good experience. We are working through the details and data.
Cedarville University Inc.
It's hard to quantify the savings. I have found the advice to be good but still need to apply most of it.
Best: Simple practical method to evaluate alignment.
University of Lethbridge
Staff completing the survey struggled with understanding their role (accountable, responsible, etc.) so some additional context setting materials at the start may help improve the results.
Seattle University
We have a unique alignment issue because we are an outsourced IT unit reporting to a site (university) contract administrator. This exercise has the potential to clarify alignment issues, provide clear strategic and tactical planning roadmaps, and effect significant cost-savings in a time of tightening budgets.
Canadian Red Cross
Easy-to-use tool and great call with analysts.
Morrison County
Not having expertise in this area, the process of going through this exercise has helped me understand the components of a process in a context-sensitive way, shorten the project lifecycle, and save the cost of a high-dollar consultant.
New Pig Corporation
Cornwall - Lebanon School District
Signicast Corporation
Bupa Cromwell Hospital
+ Really knowledgeable resources available. - All by phone because of the distance.
Molina Healthcare Inc.
Best: It was helpful to get a consolidated view of the results in a presentable format as well as guidance from Info-Tech analysts.
Dearborn County Hospital
There were no bad aspects. The process was run very well and all I had to do was sit back and wait for the information to come back to me. Everyone I worked with knew what they were doing and took very good care of me.
Esterline Technologies Corporation
School Health Corporation
Great information to help me align my team and focus on what the team feels is important and needs work. Easily able to develop action items from the information provided and focus efforts where it makes sense.
Wixon Inc.
It was easy for my team to complete.
Far North District Council
Best - Ease of use. Worst - Surprising report.
Shelby County Government
Very helpful, and the best part was the interactive dialogue. I would have preferred it would have included only ITIL processes, but it wasn't that hard to adjust to COBIT (I wouldn't have even mentioned, but you asked for a "worst"!).
Veterans United Home Loans
We loved the diagnostic and assessment experience. It was very helpful to guide us through the process. Also the information we received on how to interpret the results was straightforward. As for the negative, the assessment questions were sometimes vague and the people that took the assessment felt they took ownership of more than they should have. I don't see a way to make this better.
New Belgium Brewing
Worst: Initial survey experience, but that was our problem. Facilitating it proved to be way better. Best: The whole thing. Results are fantastic; Alan's walkthrough has been very helpful and we have a great starting point to move on some of our key process areas.
Welk Resort Group Inc.
Dina is awesome. Need to adapt this more for resellers (e.g. white-labeling, PowerPoint version).
City of O'Fallon
It was a great experience, and the insight given by Luke and Sandra will make my department and life better and easier down the road!
Helen of Troy L.P.
Comprehensive Health Services Inc.
The survey was a great experience to find out how the IT and IT Security teams view the corporate network and what areas we need to improve on.
Tejon Ranch
Deschutes Brewery Inc.