Service Benefits


Identify Quick Wins

Find early risk-free actions you can take to start a successful transition into the CIO position.


Learn to Balance Listening With Taking Action

Evaluate what’s more important depending on company mode and situation.


Align With Your Boss

Use a proven diagnostic tool to reveal your CEO’s top priorities.


Develop a Strong Culture

Assess cultural archetypes and calculate the cultural makeup of the IT organization to create a plan to improve it.

The First 100 Days as CIO

Our Perspective

The job starts before day one.

Achieve a foundational understanding of the business before you start, allowing you to hit the ground running on your first day.

Listen before you act (usually).

In most scenarios, a new executive benefits more from listening to stakeholders and staff before taking action.

Achieve quick wins early and often.

Fixing problems quickly sets a tone of success for your tenure.

Service Overview

Collaborate on a 100-day plan that identifies quick wins and creates a first-year strategy.

Prepare Your Plan's Foundation

Understand the organization’s mode and type before you start.

Understand Management’s Expectations

Align your priorities with your boss.

Assess the IT Team

Determine if the right people are spending time on the right things.

Collaborate With Key Stakeholders

Gain insight into business satisfaction with IT and how different departments differ in priorities.

Listen to the Podcast

Be inspired by the first 100 days experience of other technology executives, who share their biggest takeaways.

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