Brand protection software assists organizations with guarding against fraudulent use of product listings, websites, and other aspects that infringe intellectual property....
Use this storyboard to build or update a business-aligned, risk-aware, and holistic information security strategy that prioritizes program initiatives for the next three...
Use this e Information Security Charter to define the scope and purpose of your security program.
Use the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck to present the results of the security strategy to stakeholders, and show how the security program will improve...
Use the Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool to identify the organizational goals and compliance obligations that shape your security strategy and define its...
Use the Information Security Program Gap Analysis Tool to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current state of your program and identify improvement initiatives...
Use the Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool to assess the security risks your organization faces, evaluate stakeholder attitudes to information security, and...
The sophistication of cyberattacks coupled with the advancement of new technologies has resulted in a threat landscape that’s been viewed as the most challenging within...
This report provides insights on the most important security priorities for 2024 and recommendations on implementing initiatives to support the priorities.
This storyboard will help you determine what responsibilities you can outsource to a service partner, refine the list of role-based requirements, and adopt a program to...