Plan out storytelling using Info-Tech’s whiteboard canvas template.
Solve challenging business problems more effectively and improve communication with audiences by demonstrating significant insights through data storytelling with...
Storytelling with data visualization helps businesses make better decisions by simplifying complex information, highlighting key insights and trends, and providing a...
This deck provides the clear functions for different roles in data governance.
Research that provides a step-by-step approach to aid in the successful establishment of a data steward role.
Data stewards bring valuable expertise and knowledge about their business areas (priorities, business capabilities, business processes, challenges, and opportunities with...
This market primer for generative AI will help you contextualize the marketspace and prepare for generative AI selection. Learn what components of generative AI an...
This market primer for generative AI will help you contextualize the marketspace and prepare for Gen AI selection. Learn what components of Gen AI an organization should...
This blueprint outlines how to build your generative AI roadmap, establish responsible AI principles, prioritize opportunities, and develop policies for usage.
Use this template to develop responsible AI guiding principles to guide the development and deployment of AI applications, assess AI maturity to understand the...