Contract Manager

This template provides an example job description for a Contract Manager. The role of the Contract Manager is to support, manage, and administer contracts for technology...

Change Control – Freezes & Risk Evaluation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that IT staff recognize that changes to computer systems tend to destabilize those systems.

Electronic Document Management Benefits Assessment Tool

Enterprises ready to invest in Electronic Document Management (EDM) technologies must begin slowly with solutions that benefit the most expensive business processes....

NetApp Buyer's Advice

NetApp is not a low-cost solution, but the value comes from reliability and good support. Negotiate on price, but don't overlook the minimum levels of training,...

Electronic Document Management ROI Calculator

Return on Investment (ROI) calculations are an important part of any Electronic Document Management (EDM) deployment strategy. Pre-deployment ROI calculations outline...

Dress Code Policy

The dress code policy outlines appropriate and inappropriate work attire.

Network Printers Represent Serious Security Vulnerability

Most large printers, since 2002, contain physical hard drives used to queue up items to be printed, scanned, copied, faxed and e-mailed by the machine. Ensure that your...

Software Acquisition and Usage Policy

Use Info-Tech's sample policy to launch software acquisition management efforts to the top of your priority list.

Exchange Server: Hosted or In-House?

Enterprises facing an Exchange upgrade often make the mistake of assuming an in-house upgrade path is the only option. Let the possibility of transferred risk, service...

The Philippines for Outsourced IT Services

IT professionals who are interested in outsourcing application development, maintenance, or helpdesk services offshore have many geographic locations to choose from. The...
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